CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Keep your kids home from school

June is almost upon us, and with it comes the celebration of “LGBT Pride Month” by schools across Canada.

This is a dreaded time by many parents and communities of faith. Real spiritual harm can be inflicted on impressionable children via an ideology that undermines their belief in the biblical understanding of marriage, human sexuality, and the reality that God made people as either male or female, not 56 genders (or however many they claim nowadays)!

In response, we’ve launched the second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day!

It begins tomorrow, running from Friday, May 31st to Tuesday, June 4th, all the days on which schools might choose to raise the LGBT Pride flag to kick off “Pride Month”.

This event is a simple and effective way to protest transgender and homosexual indoctrination in schools. Just keep your kids home from school!

We urge all parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and Godparents to keep the children in their lives home during this period.

The ongoing LGBT brainwashing of children that’s taking place in classrooms throughout Canada must come to an end, and mass absences – like what happened in 2023 when we first launched this campaign - is a visible way of driving home this message.

To tell us if you’ll be participating with your family, please fill out this form here.

In addition to emptying the schools, we’ve also added a prayer element. We’ve set up a number of “pray-in” events taking place on Monday, June 3rd, outside of the offices of select Catholic Bishops and Catholic school boards.

Attendees will pray for these Catholic education leaders to be the spiritual leaders God calls them to be, and to stop allowing the LGBT Pride flag at Catholic schools. A list of the pray-in locations can be viewed by clicking here.

I really hope we can make this year’s campaign even bigger than last year’s event!

To help make this happen, click here and fill out a form to let us know which schools your kids will be absent from, so we can try to track the impact of the National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day.

CORRECTION: Previous CLC Communication Regarding the Legal Situation Surrounding Bestiality

On May 28th, I sent out an email in which we described how approximately two months earlier, an LGBTQ+ sex educator in Australia had given Grade 9 students a presentation which promoted bestiality as a normal sexual activity, and asserted that it is an accepted practice by some people in the LGBTQIA+ community.

In order to make the point that although we’re not in Australia, parents in Canada nonetheless need to be vigilant about the “plus” in the LGBTQIA+ acronym potentially smuggling in even more sexual aberrations, we pointed to a UK news article which stated that in 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) had effectively legalized most forms of bestiality.

The SCC ruling involved a convicted sex offender who had been charged by police for sexual activity involving one of his stepdaughters and the family dog.

The court found him not guilty, opining that the law existing on the books at the time only covered some forms of bestiality, but not all of them.

However, I now must apologize for failing to provide the complete story. Since that email went out, a few supporters contacted us to point out that my email didn’t give the full picture. So here it is...

In 2019, Canada’s Parliament passed a law to fill the gap left by the SCC. That law, Bill C-84, made "any contact, for a sexual purpose, with an animal" an indictable offence.

So, while it is true that the Supreme Court had effectively decriminalized bestiality for a period of approximately three years, thankfully, our Parliament corrected that situation by re-criminalizing all acts of bestiality in June 2019. See Section 160 of Canada’s Criminal Code.

Once again, my sincere apologies for any confusion caused by this omission. However, our point still stands – parents must be vigilant about the sexual agenda inherent in the LGBT rainbow flag, and which is being presented as an innocuous display of “inclusion” and “diversity”.

Now, getting back to the National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, please pray for the success of these efforts, and for all the families taking part.

