CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Alberta’s Education Act is broken

Do Albertans deserve to have their votes count, or should a loophole in the Education Act allow self-appointed overlords to reverse the results of democratic elections?

This is exactly what happened in the Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) board, where a duly-elected trustee was subsequently “un-elected”.

Not by the voters of her district, mind you, but by five other trustees who didn’t like how Red Deer residents cast their ballots!

Catholic Trustee Monique LaGrange was undemocratically removed from office, by her elected colleagues, for speaking out against LGBT indoctrination taking place in classrooms across the province.

The usual alphabet mob attacked her in the media for daring to oppose LGBT brainwashing in schools, and demanded that her fellow trustees “get rid” of this “dissenting voice”. You can go here for more background on what happened.

Monique’s un-election by bureaucratic fiat instead of the electorate, is unprecedented and unjust, and was enabled by a little-known provision in Alberta’s Education Act.

Let’s call it the "cancel democracy clause". I think that's a fitting handle, don’t you?

This threat to democracy cannot be allowed to stand.

That’s why we’re launching a new petition calling on Alberta’s Minister of Education, Demetrios Nicolaides, to repeal the anti-democratic provision in the Act which allows election results to be nullified and voters to be disenfranchised.

Click here to sign the petition right now and share it with your family and friends. We cannot leave the door open, even just a crack, for activists who want to undo the results of democratic elections in order to cancel politicians for defending parental rights.

