Helping mothers in Canada's Far North
"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." (Hebrews 13:16)
We urgently need your help on this Giving Tuesday to keep a program going that brings hope to new and expecting mothers in one of the most remote regions of Canada.
The Nunavut Initiative has helped more than 150 families in four different communities over the past two years, but, if we don’t get more funding, we won’t be able to keep it running over the next 12 months.
The way this program works is quite simple.
We’ve set up tabs with a variety of co-op stores.
Whenever our local leaders identify demand, they go ahead and purchase the necessary items, and distribute these to the families who are most in need.
Campaign Life Coalition gets the bill, and we use the money raised to pay it.
We’ve also worked with some partners who generously agreed to send shipments of goods up north.

Local volunteers distributing baby goods to mothers in the community of Naujaat.
Local organizers tell us, over and over again, how much the families appreciate the generosity of our supporters, but now, we’ve hit a snag.
We’d like to expand to include a fifth community, so we can help even more moms, but there’s no more money to buy the baby items anymore.
We’re tapped out.
The funds for the Nunavut Initiative dried up recently, which is why we’re asking for your help.
With the expansion to another community, by my calculations, we need to raise $50,000 to fund the operation through 2024 in order to shore up our plans.
So far, donors have sent in $17,926, but that’s less than 36% of what we need. (If you've already donated, thank you kindly.)
If we don’t reach our fundraising goal, we’ll have to severely cut back the scope of our outreach, and, in a worse-case scenario, we’ll have to end it altogether, which would be a shame.
One of our local leaders who oversees the distribution events in his community has told us how appreciative all the families are to have access to this program.
On the other hand, he’s also warned us about how aggressive the public health clinics are when it comes to peddling abortion and sterilizing women through contraception as their catch-all solution, but it gets worse.
In 2022, for example, the CBC did a poll showing more than half of the territory’s MLAs were in support of the so-called "right to abortion."
Then, just this past September, on “International Safe Abortion Day,” our Prime Minister made a promise that made me sick to the stomach.
Justin Trudeau’s office released a statement where the PM vowed, no matter what, to keep using taxpayer dollars to fund the slaughter of babies in the womb.
Just look at what Trudeau had to say about his plans for the future:
“To ensure women and girls, particularly from marginalized communities and people in remote and rural communities, have access to the reproductive health care they need and deserve, we are investing to remove barriers and make abortion more accessible from coast to coast to coast.”
That’s a bunch of fancy “political-speak,” which simply translates to this …
Instead of addressing the underlying needs of women in remote and rural communities, he's prioritizing abortion above everything else.
Trudeau will do whatever he can, and spend however much taxpayer money he wants, to make sure unborn babies are killed throughout all of Canada.
This means we have our job cut out for us in Nunavut, and why I hope the next part of our plan will bear good fruit.
At the request of our local partners, we’ve been developing bilingual, pro-life brochures for the communities we’re serving.
We’re finalizing the design and want to hand them out with the supplies these families are receiving.
It’s just one more way that we can tear through the veil of misinformation being spread over the abortion issue.
The information we’ll be providing, by the way, falls perfectly in line with their deeply held cultural beliefs on the sanctify of life. We’ll also be using scientifically accurate images of babies in the womb, at various stages of development …
It’s the kind of helpful information they should be getting from their educators and health-care providers, but they aren’t, so we’re going to try and fill in the gap.
Unfortunately, life in Nunavut can be challenging, especially for a young pregnant mom.
To be clear, abortion is frowned upon by the local communities, but it's widely promoted by pro-abortion bureaucrats and the federal government.
This kind of pressure can be overwhelming, which leads vulnerable women to consider that horrible option when they’re facing difficult circumstances.
But, if they knew they had help to feed and clothe their newborn babies, those thoughts of abortion would likely fade away.
So please, consider making a donation to help keep the Nunavut Initiative going for at least another year, so we can keep giving these mothers and families hope …
To show them the path forward doesn’t have to mean killing an unborn child, and to show them they can choose life.
Please keep these mothers and their children in your prayers, as well, because we can’t ever hope to end abortion and build a Culture of Life if our efforts aren’t rooted in the Holy Spirit.
Also, please pray for our wonderful local leaders and volunteers who've been working hard on the ground, by purchasing the items, creating care-packages, distributing them to families directly, and organizing distribution events for their communities.
This is a total team effort, and devoted pro-lifers like you are at the heart of it, so thank you for the support and God bless.
** If you don't wish to give online, please send cheques to: 157 Catharine St. N., 2nd Floor, Hamilton, ON, L8L 4S4 1-800-730-5358. Please include the word "2024 Nunavut" in the memo field.