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CLC Blog

Trudeau Liberals Denounce Roe v. Wade Defeat

Last Friday, while pro-lifers around the world were rejoicing in the defeat of Roe v. Wade in the United States, many of our Canadian Liberal elites were raging. Even as the tag “Praise God” was gloriously trending on Twitter in celebration, Liberal government leaders began vociferously decrying the loss of the so-called “right” to murder one’s preborn offspring south of the border.

I believe such a vile and wicked response is nothing short of demonic. Who else but demons – and the Devil himself – would throw a fit over this wonderful victory for Life and triumph of God’s grace?

Our scandal-ridden Prime Minister went so far as to declare the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reject the 50-year-old “right” to abortion as “horrific”. He then promised to “always stand up for [a woman’s] right to choose.”

Trudeau Tweet

Mr. Trudeau’s dramatic pseudo-concern for women’s rights and bodily autonomy is devoid of all genuine concern for women and girls. What about the bodily autonomy of the child in the womb? What about that most fundamental right – the right to life for all?

Jeff Gunnarson, president of Campaign Life Coalition, commented, “What’s horrific is that we have a Prime Minister who is absolutely callous toward the some 100,000 pre-born Canadian children who are killed every year by abortion. What is truly horrific is the disembowelment, dismemberment, and decapitation of these innocent human beings. My heart goes out to the some four million victims destroyed by abortion in what is the greatest human rights abuse in our nation’s history.”

Nevertheless, the Trudeau government is hell-bent on using the defeat of Roe v. Wade, along with the current frenzy of pro-abort rage, as an opportunity to push his radical anti-life agenda even further. We not only expect him to double-down on his efforts to de-certify pro-life charities and crisis pregnancy centres, but we also anticipate an attempt to enshrine some sort of “right to abortion” in our Canadian law.

In the moments after the defeat of Roe v. Wade, Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, announced: “I want all Canadian women and girls to hear from me that the right to choice, their right to an abortion is a fundamental right. We will not let that right be undermined in any way here in our country.”

This push for a “right to abortion” in Canada – something that does not actually exist – is getting more and more vocal. The bought-and-paid-for liberal media are giving it a lot of air-time. And it seems obvious to me that the Trudeau Liberals are getting ready to act.

That’s why I believe it is extremely urgent that we push back – RIGHT NOW! That’s why I am asking you to sign and share our petition opposing the creation of a fake “right to abortion” in Canada.

Our petition is addressed to the Prime Minister and to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. We also hope to present it to various Members of Parliament.

This is the simplest and shortest petition I have ever written. It merely says:

I oppose the creation of a “right to abortion” in Canada.

Can you agree with that simple statement? Do you think your friends and neighbours could agree? Would you be willing to sign and share this petition today, before Mr. Trudeau pushes his radical, demonic agenda any further?

David Lametti, Mr. Trudeau’s Minister of (In)justice, has also chimed in to denounce the providential overthrow of “abortion rights” in America. He posted the following on social media:

Lametti Tweet

We should not be surprised by Mr. Lametti’s passion for the right to kill preborn children – that is the “choice” he is touting! We should also not be surprised by Mr. Lametti’s willingness to deceive – there is no “right to choose” in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. After all, this is the same man who brought in an expanded euthanasia program targeting the disabled and depressed. This is also the man who brought in the “conversion therapy ban” that criminalizes parents trying to help their children reject LGBT ideology.

Mr. Lametti is no champion of justice, nor is he a friend to vulnerable and innocent Canadians!

The entire Liberal establishment in Ottawa appears to be gearing up to establish a “right to abort” (i.e. a “right to kill”) in Canadian law and policy. Such a “right” will not only mean more bloody killing, but it will also mean the suppression and censorship of those who object.

We can expect the denial of charitable status to all pro-life organizations, ministries, and churches. We can expect the banning of pro-life books, videos, web pages, and social media posts. We can expect the persecution of pro-life Canadians.

Will you help us to fight back against the “right to kill” our preborn Canadian brothers and sisters? Will you help us to amplify our voice for the voiceless?

As we celebrate the defeat of Roe v. Wade in the States, let us pray and work for the day when we can see a great victory for Life here in Canada as well. We know that this is God’s will, and that His will shall be done!

Finally, may our country and her leaders heed the warning of the Psalmist, who wrote:

“They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood… Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled…” – Psalms 106:36-40.

We know that establishing a “right to abortion” will only bring greater wrath on our land. Help us urge our government to reject this demonic notion! Please sign our petition today.

Yours for Life,

David Cooke

David Cooke
National Campaigns Manager
Campaign Life Coalition

P.S. You can sign our petition to oppose a "right to abortion" in Canada here:
