Catholic Trustee Voting Records

Lori Di Castri

Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board - ON
Electoral District: Zone 5 Huron-Kinloss, Brockton Ward 31, Kincardine


Lori Di Castri
CLC rating: unknown
Rating Comments: Did not respond to CLC's 2018 election questionnaire.
Percentage in last election: Acclaimed (2014) ; Acclaimed (2018), 63.8% (2022)
Victory margin last election: 27.7% (2022)
Religion / Faith: Catholic


Lori Di Castri
Parliamentary Office
799 16th Ave.
Hanover, Ontario
N4N 3A1
Tel: 519-364-5820
Fax: 519-364-5882
Constituency Offices
286 Huron Rd, Point Clark, RR1
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2X3
Tel: 519-395-3156

Here is Lori Di Castri's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Motion to fly the Gay Pride flag at school board headquarters
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to ensure that the Gay Pride flag would be flown at School Board Headquarters.
Abstained --
Motion to fly the Gay Pride flag at every Catholic school in the board
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to ensure that the Gay Pride flag would be flown at every single Catholic school in the board.
Abstained --
Motion to force abortion-tainted COVID injections on students
This unconscionable motion sought to make COVID jabs mandatory, as a condition for children to be able to attend school. Since all 4 of the COVID injections currently available in Canada were produced and/or tested using cell lines derived from babies who were murdered via abortion, such a school board mandate represents a grave violation of the constitutional right to freedom of conscience and religion for pro-life students and parents. There is no long-term safety data for the COVID jabs, which are still experimental; on top of that, there is a significantly increased risk of vaccine-induced heart damage, especially for young males, thus potentially putting children's lives in danger.
Abstained --
Motion to force abortion-tainted COVID injections on teachers & staff
This unconscionable motion sought to make COVID jabs mandatory for all teachers & staff. Since all 4 of the COVID injections currently available in Canada were produced and/or tested using cell lines derived from babies who were murdered via abortion, such a school board mandate represents a grave violation of the constitutional right to freedom of conscience and religion for board employees. There is no long-term safety data for the COVID jabs, which are still experimental; on top of that, there is a significantly increased risk of vaccine-induced heart damage, especially for males, thus potentially putting their lives in danger.
Abstained --
Motion to teach Marxism-inspired 'Critical Race Theory' in Catholic schools
This motion required the board to teach students what is known as 'Critical Race Theory', a modern-day version of the class warfare strategy developed by Karl Marx, the father of communism - an ideology responsible for the mass murder of up to 180 million people throughout history. In classic Marxism, socialists or communists seized control of society by exploiting existing tensions between rich & poor to divide and create conflict in society, painting one side as oppressed (poor) and the other as oppressor (rich), and then calling for violent revolution to overthrow the oppressor, with the Marxists supposedly bringing liberation, but ultimately becoming new dictators once in power. Likewise, in modern day 'Critical Race Theory', existing or even invented racial tensions are exploited to paint one race as oppressor (descendants of white Europeans) and others as oppressed (non-whites), and to call for various forms of discrimination, degradation and vilification against the oppressor class, in the name of 'social justice' or 'anti-racism', with the agitators of the conflict accumulating vast political power in the process.
Abstained --

There are no quotes for Lori Di Castri at this time.

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Lori Di Castri on 2022.

Question Response
Will you work to ensure that your Catholic school board enacts a policy requiring all agents and employees of the board to uphold the rights of custodial parents to direct and control the education of, and any medical treatment provided to, their dependent children attending its schools? no response
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion*? (*Note: a surgical or medical intervention designed to prevent the death of the mother but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion) no response
Will you work to ensure that Catholic schools do not invite guest speakers who have publicly expressed positions that contradict the morality and teaching of the Church, no matter how great their achievements in politics, business, sports, science or the arts? no response
Will you work to ensure that educational materials that enter the premises of Catholic schools (e.g., library resources, curriculum texts, awareness campaigns, flyers) and all approved school activities are consistent with and do not undermine the morality and teachings of the Church? no response
Will you work to ensure that your Board publicly promotes total fidelity to the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church? (Current examples include the illicitness of abortion, contraception and homosexual practice) no response
Will you oppose sex-ed programs which are contrary to Church teaching? no response
Given that the Gay Pride flag is a controversial political symbol which contradicts Church teaching on marriage & human sexuality, will you oppose any and all proposals to fly the Gay Pride flag at Catholic schools, at the board office, or to acknowledge and celebrate June as Pride month? --

There are no videos available for Lori Di Castri. If you have relevant video from all-candidate meetings or other functions that is not copyrighted by a third party, please send it to us.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.