Catholic Trustee Voting Records

Patrick Daly

Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board - ON
Electoral District: Ward 07


Patrick Daly
CLC rating: Supportable
Rating Comments: On March 1, 2022, Trustee Daly courageously voted against a disgraceful motion to fly the so-called "gay-pride" flag - that notorious symbol celebrating homoerotic fetishism (and genital mutilation in the case of transgenderism) - outside every single school in the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board for the entire month of June, which LGBT radicals have dubbed "pride-month".

He also drafted a letter to Justin Trudeau condemning the Liberal Leaders "no choice but pro-choice" abortion policy which would ban pro-lifer Canadians from ever being able to run as candidates in the Liberal Party. Daly aslo called abortion "a key social evil". Daly wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, as Chair of the Board, to protest the honouring of abortionist Henry Morgentaler with the Order of Canada. The letter said his Board wouldwork towards building a culture of life and engaging youth in that struggle. From his public comments, he seems to understand the constitutional right that Catholic schools have with respect to only choosing curriculum that is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. During the 2010 election cycle, he also told a constituent that he is very much against McGuinty's now-infamous "Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy".
First elected ( 1991
Percentage in last election: Acclaimed in 2014 election; Acclaimed (2018) ; 50.8% (2022)
Victory margin last election: Acclaimed in 2014 election; Acclaimed (2018) ; 11.56% (2022)
Religion / Faith: Catholic


Patrick Daly
Parliamentary Office
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
90 Mulberry Street, P.O. Box 2012
Hamilton, Ontario
L8N 3R9
Tel: (905) 525-2930 (general board phone)
Fax: (905) 525-1724 (general board fax)
Constituency Offices , Ontario
Tel: 905-648-3290 (general board phone)

Here is Patrick Daly's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Motion to fly the Gay Pride flag at every Catholic school in the board
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to ensure that the Gay Pride flag would be flown at every single Catholic school in the board.
Opposed ok

Here are quotes from Patrick Daly on various life and family issues:

On the decision of a government panel to honour arch-abortionist, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, with the Order of Canada:  "We were deeply saddened and shocked to learn that the highest honour our country can bestow upon an individual has been awarded to someone 'whose life work has been a deadly assault upon the most helpless amongst us'... We will pray for those who made the decision to appoint Henry Morgentaler to the Orderof Canada and hope for their change of heart. We most especially pray for those who have been impacted by the scourge of abortion and for its end in our country." [HWCDSB website, Letter to Stephen Harper, July 18, 2008]

When asked by a reporter if the Board will fall in line with the homosexualist "equity" policy mandated by McGuinty's Ontario government, Daly said:  "Catholic school boards obviously have constitututional rights in terms of the curriculum and what's taught…Some of those controversial areas…there would be differences, for sure….[discussions about] sexual relationships would all be in the context of our faith." [Hamilton Spectator, Catholic Equity Policy in works, Apr. 19, 2010]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Patrick Daly on 2010.

Question Response
Will you personally uphold and work toward the public promotion of total fidelity to the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church? (Current examples include the illicitness of abortion, contraception and homosexual practice) Yes (based on 2010 survey)
Will you oppose teachings and attitudes in the school setting that undermine respect for and the dignity of human life from conception to natural death? Yes
Will you actively promote and defend the teaching of Catholic doctrine, the importance of prayer and a regular sacramental life? Yes (based on 2010 survey)
Will you work to ensure that guest speakers, educational materials that enter the premises of Catholic schools (e.g., library resources, curriculum texts) and all approved school activities are consistent with and do not undermine the morality and teachings of the Church? Yes
Will you work against any attempt to expand the sex-ed program in the Catholic Schools which is contrary to Church teaching, such as the one which included oral sex, masturbation and homosexuality, recently offered by the Ministry? survey not yet sent
Will you uphold, actively promote and defend the boards right to invite into its schools only those health personnel (e.g. nurses, counselors and other health professionals) who will respect Catholic Church teaching? Yes
Will you work to ensure that your Catholic school board enacts a policy requiring all agents and employees of the board to uphold the rights of custodial parents to direct and control the education of, and any medical treatment provided to, their dependent children attending its schools? Yes (from 2010)
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion*? (*Note: a surgical or medical intervention designed to prevent the death of the mother but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion) survey not yet sent
Will you work to ensure that Catholic schools do not invite guest speakers who have publicly expressed positions that contradict the morality and teaching of the Church, no matter how great their achievements in politics, business, sports, science or the arts? survey not yet sent
Will you work to ensure that educational materials that enter the premises of Catholic schools (e.g., library resources, curriculum texts, awareness campaigns, flyers) and all approved school activities are consistent with and do not undermine the morality and teachings of the Church? survey not yet sent
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an infection that is transmitted through sex. Will you therefore oppose HPV vaccination in schools because it sends the message to students, teachers and parents that obedience to Church teaching on abstinence before marriage is neither expected nor necessary? survey not yet sent

There are no videos available for Patrick Daly. If you have relevant video from all-candidate meetings or other functions that is not copyrighted by a third party, please send it to us.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.