Catholic Trustee Voting Records

Markus de Domenico

Toronto Catholic District School Board - ON
Electoral District: Ward 02


Markus de Domenico
Not Supportable
CLC rating: Pro-LGBT, Anti-Catholicism
Rating Comments: On May 6, 2021, Trustee De Domenico shamefully voted in favour of three anti-Catholic motions advanced by LGBT activists within the board, to use the TCDSB as a vehicle to promote the acceptance and celebration of homosexual lifestyles and LGBT ideologies to impressionable students. The motions, which ultimately passed, sought to proclaim June as gay "Pride Month" and to fly homosexual Pride flag at every Catholic school throughout June.

In the lead up to the 2018 trustee election, CLC endorsed and got-out-the-vote for Mr. de Domenico because he gave perfect answers to CLC's 2018 election survey, and also said he supported repealing Catholic Wynne's radical sex curriculum.

However, he subsequently told a left-wing publication who pressured him about the pro-Catholic answers he gave to CLC, that he no longer opposes gay pride clubs in Catholic schools, and now, actually supports these hubs of homosexual activism being present in Catholic high schools.Did he lie to CLC, just to get our endorsement before the election?

On Nov 7, 2019, his defection to anti-Christian ideology was completed when he voted to add the ideological theories of 'Gender Identity' and 'Gender Expression' into the TCDSB's Code of Conduct. This will lead to male teachers being permitted to present themselves wearing lipstick and ladies clothing, and to boys coming to class in a dress. Faithful Catholic educators will be persecuted if they dare to transmit Catholic teaching on transgender ideology, including the simple fact that God made human beings only male or female and that that being a boy or a girl is NOT 'socially-constructed', and that multiple genders do not exist, but rather, are the product of a disturbed mind that needs psychological treatment.

De Domenico must be removed from office in the next election scheduled for the fall of 2026, or earlier should the opportunity present itself in a by-election.

First elected ( 22-Oct-18
Percentage in last election: 53.2% (2022)
Victory margin last election: 6.4% (2022)
Religion / Faith: Catholic


Markus de Domenico
Parliamentary Office
Catholic Education Centre
80 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6E8
Tel: 416-512-3402
Fax: 416-512-3214
Constituency Offices Toronto, Ontario

Here is Markus de Domenico's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Not Supportable
To add transgender ideology to the Code of Conduct, 1st reading
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to add the anti-Christian terms ‘Gender Identity’ and ‘Gender Expression’ to the Code of Conduct, along with ‘Marital Status’ and ‘Family Status’ which are also problematic terms for different reasons. Adding Gender Ideology to the Code of Conduct will give rise to male teachers and students having permission to come to school dressed up as the opposite sex and demanding that everyone else refer to them with personal pronouns that do not match their biological reality. This anti-Catholic motion was passed 8 to 4 [November 7, 2019].
Supported bad
Vote on declaring June as Gay Pride Month throughout the Toronto Catholic District School Board (2020)
The homosexualist/transsexualist pride parade and its attendant month-long "celebration" throughout June totally contradict both Catholic Church teaching and human biology in relation to marriage, sexuality, and the nature of human beings. It celebrates "gay" sex-acts, transvestitism and other fetishes, and transsexual mutilation, promoting these abuses and perversions - even to children - as normal, natural, healthy and perfectly moral. The parade includes mock sex acts, sexual bondage and sadomasochism. It is a scandal for any Catholic to be seen supporting it, much less Catholic school trustees and teachers, who work as agents of the Church, promoting "Pride Month" and the prolongation of these obscenities. The proposal was defeated on a 6-6 tie vote. (May 7, 2020)
Yes bad
Motion to declare June as Gay Pride Month, annually
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to formally and officially proclaim that Gay Pride Month is to be hailed in the School Board from June 1 to June 30 each and every year.
Supported bad
Motion to fly the Gay Pride flag at school board headquarters
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to ensure that the Gay Pride flag would be flown at School Board Headquarters.
Supported bad
Motion to fly the Gay Pride flag at every Catholic school in the board
In total opposition to Catholic doctrine, this motion sought to ensure that the Gay Pride flag would be flown at every single Catholic school in the board.
Supported bad
Motion to fly the International Pro-Life Flag at the TCDSB
This wonderful pro-life and truly Catholic motion, introduced by faithful TCDSB Trustee Mike Del Grande and seconded by Trustee Garry Tanuan, sought to have the International Pro-Life Flag fly throughout the entire month of May at the Catholic Education Centre and at every TCDSB school; to offically express support for the annual National March for Life in Ottawa; and to commit the TCDSB curriculum to focus exclusively on pro-life studies on the date, and for the duration, of the National March for Life. Outrageously, this motion was defeated by a vote of 8 opposed and 2 in favour, with 2 other Trustees being absent, on April 23, 2024.
Opposed bad

There are no quotes for Markus de Domenico at this time.

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Markus de Domenico on Oct 21, 2018.

Question Response
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an infection that is transmitted through sex. Will you therefore oppose HPV vaccination in schools because it sends the message to students, teachers and parents that obedience to Church teaching on abstinence before marriage is neither expected nor necessary? --
Will you work to ensure that educational materials that enter the premises of Catholic schools (e.g., library resources, curriculum texts, awareness campaigns, flyers) and all approved school activities are consistent with and do not undermine the morality and teachings of the Church? No (based on voting record)
Will you work to ensure that Catholic schools do not invite guest speakers who have publicly expressed positions that contradict the morality and teaching of the Church, no matter how great their achievements in politics, business, sports, science or the arts? --
Will you personally uphold and work toward the public promotion of total fidelity to the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church? (Current examples include the illicitness of abortion, contraception and homosexual practice) No (based on voting record)
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion*? (*Note: a surgical or medical intervention designed to prevent the death of the mother but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion) --
Will you work to ensure that your Catholic school board enacts a policy requiring all agents and employees of the board to uphold the rights of custodial parents to direct and control the education of, and any medical treatment provided to, their dependent children attending its schools? --
Will you work against any attempt to expand the sex-ed program in the Catholic Schools which is contrary to Church teaching, such as the one which included oral sex, masturbation and homosexuality, recently offered by the Ministry? No (based on voting record)
Will you actively promote and defend the teaching of Catholic doctrine, the importance of prayer and a regular sacramental life? No (based on voting record)

Here are the videos available for Markus de Domenico. If you have relevant video from all-candidate meetings or other functions that is not copyrighted by a third party, please send it to us.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.