Action Centre

Doug Ford must keep his promise to FULLY repeal the Wynne/Levin sex curriculum

Background on the Issue
On Thursday, July 12th, the new Doug Ford government kept its election promise by announcing that it would repeal Kathleen Wynne’s radical sex-ed curriculum by September, and begin a thorough parental consultation process.

The very next day, Ford and his Education Minister Lisa Thompson became targets of a media-orchestrated campaign of fake outrage. Canada’s newspapers and TV news outlets launched a barrage of hundreds of editorials, columns, and reports attacking Ford’s announcement to replace the child-abusive sex curriculum.

Please send your MPP an Action Alert email asking that they tell Doug Ford and Lisa Thompson to stay the course, to keep Doug Ford’s promise to fully repeal the curriculum – especially the anti-scientific theories of gender fluidity, gender identity, and gender expression.
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Dear MPP [name],

Like so many Ontario voters, I cast a ballot for the Doug Ford PCs in large part because of his campaign promise to repeal the age-inappropriate, overly explicit Liberal sex-ed curriculum.

Did you know that it was written under the direction of a convicted pedophile, the former Deputy Education Minister Benjamin Levin? On that basis alone, the curriculum should never have been implemented.

I am asking you as my elected representative to encourage Premier Ford and the Education Minister, Lisa Thompson, to following through on their promise to fully repeal the Wynne/Levin sex curriculum. I am extremely disappointed that the “interim” curriculum document that was issued to Ontario school boards by Minister Thompson still makes reference to the unscientific theory of Gender Identity. Why is harmful transgender ideology still being imposed on young children?

I did not vote for the anti-scientific theory of gender fluidity to be retained in our sex ed curriculum. I voted for a full repeal - including gender identity theory. And I demand that Doug Ford keep his promise. Please tell the Minister of Education to stick to the election promise which handed the PCs a majority. Tell her to stand up for parents by repealing every element of the Wynne/Levin sex program.

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