Action Centre

Don't Take Away Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly

Background on the Issue
On May 29, 2017, MPP Yasir Naqvi, the previous Attorney General of Ontario, announced that he would table a bill in the fall to transform public sidewalks into “No Free Speech Zones” outside every abortion facility in the province. The bill was passed in October later that year, and has been put into force since February 1, 2018.

These bubble zones within which pro-life speech and expression are banned, prevent pro-lifers from demonstrating or counselling within a certain radius of an abortion facility where children are killed by abortion. That includes hospitals and clinics where abortions are committed, and pharmacies are now able to apply as well. These bubble zones are expected to resemble British Columbia's and Newfoundland and Labrador’s, which have bubble zone laws “not exceeding 50 metres” around abortion facilities.

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Local MPP
Bubble Zones Don’t Hold Up Under Scrutiny
Hello M.P.P. [Recipient's name will be automatically inserted],

In light of Ontario following the way of BC with respect to legislating bubble zones around abortion facilities, I’d highly recommend reading “Why the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association(BCCLA) should oppose bubble zone legislation” beginning on page 5 in the Journal of the BCCLA:

I would clarify, though, that while authors Sam Black and Steven Davis call the preborn “potential human beings,” and “potential human life,” the preborn are in fact actual human beings, albeit developing ones, and actual human life.

As they argue, just as anti-war, anti-genetically engineered foods, and animal rights activists should be allowed to protest free from the constraints of bubble zones, so should pro-lifers. As my elected representative for [Recipient's riding name will be automatically inserted], I am requesting that you do what’s just and stand up for civil liberties by fighting to overturn the bubble zone legislation at every chance you get.
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