Action Centre

Demand the Ontario Legislature Repeal Totalitarian Bill 89

Background on the Issue
Bill 89, or the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017, passed by a vote of 63 to 23 on June 1 at Queen’s Park.

It allows the state to potentially take away children from parents who do not adopt the Liberal government’s delusional gender ideology and, in effect, it prevents couples who also reject this ideology from adopting or fostering children. While “gender identity” and “gender expression” are added as factors to be considered “in the best interests of the child,” no longer will the religious faith in which the parents are raising the child be considered as a factor. This bill furthers the government’s dangerous intrusion into the lives of families and their very homes, and it must be repealed by this government or the next.

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Listen to parents
Dear member of provincial parliament, [Recipient's name will be automatically inserted],

I’d recommend watching an interview with Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition which helps to explain how anti-scientific and truly harmful to children Bill 89 really is:

He, and many other parents, have brought their apprehensions to the government, describing how the bill attacks their rights and assaults their families. They brought forward testimonies about how the government is already infiltrating homes and undermining parental authority. Regrettably, they were not listened to by the majority of Ontario’s legislature.

Those parents, who hold the same traditional philosophy on gender that the bill takes aim at, obviously care about their children. They object to puberty blocking hormones, sex change surgery, and to the inclusion of the terms “gender identity” and “gender expression” in the bill, out of concern for their children, because they know that it is not in any child’s best interests to deny their bodily reality.

As Fonseca points out, encouraging a child’s sexual confusion is actually “child abuse” as it compounds his or her psychological suffering rather than addressing the root problem. Gender dysphoria is a problem existing in the child’s brain—not the rest of their body.

The comparison Fonseca makes is to racial identity. If someone, like Rachel Dolezal, claims that they are black when they are in fact white, the problem is not that they should have been born with a different skin colour or that they should change their skin colour—it is that they were thinking that they are a different race in the first place. The same applies to gender. To learn about Rachel Dolezal, read here:

I’m kindly requesting that you recognize a parent’s authority and innate know-how in respect to a child who may be sexually confused. Will you heed my concerns and call for the repeal of Bill 89, MPP [Recipient's surname will be automatically inserted]?
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